Hi There 👋
I'm Septian Dwi Cahyo

I Am

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About Me

I'm Tian

Front-End Web Developer

Now, I'm 19 years old. I'm based in East Java, Indonesia. I'm graduated from senior high school majoring in science. I'm very passionate about improving my coding skills, UI/UX Design & developing websites. I'm working for myself and freelancing to improve my skills. I like creating interactive websites.

Email : septiandwica@hotmail.com

Place : East Java, Indonesia

Skills & Abilitties

Front-End Web Developer

HTML5 CSS3 JS Node-JS Bootstrap Sublime-text VSCode Github

UI/UX Designer

Figma Sketch

Content Creator

Premiere Pro Photoshop Youtube Tiktok


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Get In Touch

Although I’m not currently looking for any new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!

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